Selasa, 08 Juli 2014

Filtry di Filtrowa

Tulisan mellow menjelang pulang. Mungkin Filtry ini akan teramat ngangenin. Dua setengah tahun memandangi terakotanya setiap waktu, lengkap dengan tram-tram lewat di depannya, dengan Palace Culture and Science menjulang di belakangnya. Tetangga seberang rumah itu memang cantik sekali.

Jumat, 04 Juli 2014

10 Things I Hate about Poland

10 Things I Hate about You Poland

I hate you. The fact that you are not as ugly as mine.
I hate your trams, metro, buses, trains
I hate it because it's so much pride.
I hate winter
and the way we can play snow like toddlers.
I hate the way you're rude
I hate it when you're nice.
I hate when you make me sad
even worse when I admire you.
I hate you it makes me sick,
it even makes broken-hearted.
I hate that I have to leave
where now you've feel like home.
I hate losing you: my super-kindly-lovely family.
But mostly I hate the way I don’t hate you.
I hate that I already miss you, Poland.

“We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other everywhere.” (Tim McGraw)

Teman Indonesia di Polandia

Warga Indonesia yang menyebar di seluruh Polandia berjumlah sekitar 180 orang. Bandingkan dengan WNI di Belanda yang 15 ribu orang *da kami mah apah atuh*. Namun karena jumlah-sangat-sedikit inilah kami menjadi akrab sebagai teman, sebagai keluarga besar.